Land Harp
With a form stemming from a series of paintings and drawings, this project has always been thought of simultaneously as a visual installation as well as a sonic instrument.
Secured to a sturdy form in the landscape, the walnut body of the instrument is outfitted with tuning machines and an internal piezo contact microphone. Piano wire is strung from the body of the instrument and secured to the bottom of the creek bed where the current of the water vibrates the strings at different pitches depending on the line tension, speed of the water and if anything happens to come in contact with the wires. As recordings progress, the current of the creek gradually alters the tuning of the instrument, producing subtle variations in tone and results in an overall composition. The recordings were then minimally arranged and equalized to best complement the tonalities and shifts produced by the landscape. The resulting work is a study within the constant flux of landscape, a study of its pacing and intervals.